ICSTE 2017


On behalf of the organizing committee, we appreciate the participation and support of all the attendees, invited speakers, the reviewers, and everyone who has contributed to the success of ICSTE 2017. Selected papers of ICSTE 2017 have been published into JSW: http://www.jsoftware.us/list-187-1.html 

Best Presentation Award

Session 1
Presenter's Name: Lester C. Hao
Presenter's Affiliation: Chiang Kai Shek College, Philippines
Paper Title: Trigonometry with ProjectMEC: A Courseware and Student Performance Evaluation

Session 3
Presenter's Name: Machigar Ongtang
Presenter's Affiliation: Dhurakij Pundit University, Thailand
Paper Title: Smart VoIP Postbox with Confirmation Receipt using IoT Technology